Yard Sale Shrink
Pick By bingspaced https://www.deviantart.com/bingspaced/art/Yard-sale-shrink-924441124
Poor Clare just went out to buy some used merchandise. This is what happens when you call a witch’s stuff trash, and now she is being sold along with the rest of it!
@mrgoblinging7 What a find!
@olo I hope they washed it before putting it out on the table.
Ooooh I’d love to get little hands on that iron vase behind her with the face on it
nice, very nice
@smolchlo very cool looking kind of Greek vase. Also something to keep her in till I get her home.
@olo Yes!
I was wondering who else caught that, which is also why I want that vase so much. I need for my witchy collection lol
@giant-keith but that’s MY vase
I even have tiny monies to buy it! You and Clare can go get your own lol
@smolchlo Pocket witch, riding her black cat like a tiger.
@olo heehee and I do have a black cat too! His name is Stanley
Now people know how to catch smolchlo. A Green Man vase as bait. Careful smolchlo, don’t approach random vases with faces for a while. They could end up your new cage.
@smolchlo Questions for conversation: As a witch or if you are a Wiccan do you love Halloween more than any holiday (two more months away)?
Do you see it as the winter solstice, or the feast of Samhain or both? Enjoy the dressing up part, parties of candy and frolic. I love you little witches
, almost became a Goth once, but I’m Gothic at heart, that’s enough, I dress in dark clothes, garolyles, werewolves, and vampires, and stuff would be cool as decor for me year round and vases of course. make me think of Hercules, Imagine Pokémon themed Greek urns and vases as a cool idea among other games or cartoon related. I like yard sales just to look at old stuff.
@giant-keith Samhain is the more serious holiday, and it’s mostly about talking to the dead, so no, as a neopagan myself, I don’t look forward to it the way a Christian looks forward to Christmas.
I also completely love Halloween though, because I adore wearing costumes. It’s transformation in real life for a night, and unlike cosplay, it’s something an entire city is doing at once. Love the wildness, the Bacchanal. That’s Halloween, though, it’s not Samhain.
I looked forward to Christmas as a kid because my family celebrated that, but Yule is more serious than Christmas, it’s more about life coming back to the land, slowly.
What the Christians are really missing out on is Beltaine. Maypoles are fun, and that holiday is all about the screwing. There’s nothing like that on the Christian calendar. Easter is kinda close to the same time, but it doesn’t have a giant phallic symbol in the middle.
@tiny-ivy said in Yard Sale Shrink:
What the Christians are really missing out on is Beltaine. Maypoles are fun, and that holiday is all about the screwing.
@tiny-ivy I have to agree pagan traditions have great value, they are established holi-days of festivals, I don’t consider myself a Christian anymore even though I was raised in it, I’ve learned that religion is more metaphorical than literal, more spiritually philosophical, in a scientific point a god is a conscious living positive energy that people worship. We are free to worship or not worship as we please. I still believe in the power of unconditional love through forgiveness and helping the less fortunate that will never change. We all make mistakes, or bad choices in our lives, we all need each other to make our lives better. also Save the planet, save ourselves. Now back to our schedule of our pleasure festival of tiny ladies and the giants who love them.