A Tinies Taste
Hi everyone
Happy Tuesday
I’ve been experiencing an increase in Vore type nightmares lately but it has raised a question with me.
What do you picture your tiny victim tasting like? Do you swallow her whole or do you chew? Does the taste of her blood ever factor in?
Because I personally picture myself bursting like a tiny gusher inside a giants mouth and I’m certainly not cherry flavored -
The image of an intact, beautiful body getting swallowed whole is half of what does it for me. The less damaged they are when they get on, the more they get to enjoy and appreciate the ride
Sometimes I worry about how it’s supposed to work with bones, logistically, but blood isn’t really a big part of it.
I’m sorry you have nightmares about this stuff, but I totally get why people aren’t into vore–it’s a horror movie premise turned into a fetish even for a lot of people who have it, myself included.
@subasubaski It’s definitely terrifying considering I am only 3 inches tall but I DO understand why people find it hot.
It can be very sweet! Intimate with that good ol safe and warm feeling, I dig that but fatal vore can be pretty spooky
Like if I’m swallowed, I burn alive and get to feel my skin fall off fuck me, right but if I’m chewed first… well that’s just not a good timeI’d definitely piss in his mouth, try and ruin the mood for him but he might be into that … fuck me, right
@SmolChlo Bearing in mind that fearplay is an important attraction for many preds and prey, I rarely intend to swallow tiny ladies, and I never want to chew them. I have written at least one hard vore (that is, chewing) scene, but those are all about vengeance or punishment, and it’s never a pleasant-tasting experience for the pred.
When I dream about having a shrunken woman in my mouth, tasting every last bit of her is the primary goal of the experience. Her skin will be salty, and she might have some grooming products on her that add some intriguing notes. Not everything will be rosewater; I’m going to clean her dirty soles and her funky asshole. But the true revelations will come as she gets excited, whether from fear or arousal. I consider it a point of pride when one of my mouth-toys loses control of her bladder.
Welcome to my palate.
@Olo beautifully written as always!
being treated as a tiny, tasty piece of candy I can get down tothat would actually make me giggle because I’m very ticklish
OR if I could be swallowed and not burn to death that would be pretty cool too
Well, if my research is correct. Cooked human flesh tastes like pork. As raw food, then I guess it would taste like raw pork. But, you should never eat raw pork. I hope that helps.
@SmolChlo For some non-painful, non-fatal swallowing, try The Circle of Lust.
@HentaiHunter1 “Realistically,” swallowing live tiny members of your own species is an excellent way to contract one or more diseases.
I always like the idea of using my tinies for dipping in things. Mostly treats like puddings or pie fillers. Suckling sweet treats off of sweet figures is just a delight. Do it right and its a treat for both involved.
Yeah, Olo, eating Raw tinies is not a healthy pursuit. Besides, if you’re spending all the effort to shrink a person just to eat them I think you might be better off just patenting your shrinking device and buying food from the profits.
Tinies, pets not snacks.
Most of the time.HH1
@SmolChlo said in A Tinies Taste:
Hi everyone Happy Tuesday
I’ve been experiencing an increase in Vore type nightmares lately but it has raised a question with me. What do you picture your tiny victim tasting like? Do you swallow her whole or do you chew? Does the taste of her blood ever factor in? Because I personally picture myself bursting like a tiny gusher inside a giants mouth and I’m certainly not cherry flavoredI enjoy vore more as a last resort to end a tiny being a gentle giant, but I’d rather enjoy her other ways. a Tiny woman should taste sweet, sour and salty, the flavor of skin has to do with their diet( an ethnic, cultural or healthy flavor), and sweat/perspiration time since bacteria and dirt make sour tastes and smells, whether they are clean or not, bathing her is essential to her tasting sweeter and pleasant, perfume and make-up may taste a bit bitter too. I would savor her before swallowing her whole, maybe gentle bites as a tease and suck on her naughty bits a lot, I want to savor her like a living piece of sexy human candy. I don’t think I could chew her up, unless I hated her. Blood is salty sweet taste and has a copper metal taste If I were to chew her up that’s the taste though that a vampire craves. You would pop like a ketchup packet or big berry under pressure of large teeth hitting you and a jaw clamping down hard. Exploding in someone’s mouth in immense pain all your arteries and veins emptying out from all limbs with broken ribs and all other bones crushed, then they would suck you down swallowing your remains. If ate somebody I may dip you in sauces adding more flavor don’t expect a quick death because I enjoy savoring so much. I may be kind enough to ask you which one you want to be dipped in before your demise in the churning acid bath of my stomache as I pat it satisfied with you kicking and screaming until you pass out from the heat and lack of clean air with loud gurgling and a heart beat above you. Burp!!!
@HentaiHunter1 My favorite dipping sauce for tinies is olive oil.
The other hazard of ingesting tinies is that if they are drunk or on other drugs, the pre-metabolization gives the altering substance a far stronger effect on the pred.
@HentaiHunter1 I eat raw bacon sometimes… it slaps
@Olo oh yes I’ll give this a read, thank you!
@HentaiHunter1 Mmmm that’s sounds yummy and fun
sweets are always a good time!
Tinies are pets not snacks I love that
@Giant-Keith thank you for that rather graphic description lol