Gun Gun Pixies
So, this game came out in English awhile ago, and it was in… Japanese, I think, before that, but I’m finally thinking about getting it.
Has anyone played it?
It’s a silly shooter game about two tiny alien women (who are basiclly lesbians) going to a college dorm and shooting the women there to… if I remember right, harness their
arousalHappiness Energy for their planet because they’re all falling prey to ennua, if I’m remembering right.It’s… it’s basiclly a GTS porno game, with a side of small side of little squid monsters, except that, thankfully for us, the smalls are also women, and most surprisingly of all it’s out on the Switch, which I’m still kind of surprised about. Checking back in on it, there’s some DLC including giving the Pixies black lingerie to wear, just to make it clear what kind of game we’re talking about here. It reminds me a bit about Mr. Mosquito, from way back in the day, in that ‘small target hunting a normal sized human’ kind of way, but a lot more lewd.
Honestly, I’m just surprised that this game is so slept on in our community, considering this is one of the biggest SW things I’ve seen that lasts for more than five seconds in pop culture in years, and it’s basiclly made for us.
The game honestly isn’t very good outside of the setting. Also, you play as the SW and there is no male/female size interaction. Maybe If you are a sapphic giantess, but otherwise it’s not going to appeal to a lot of guys.