To the creators of this community
I always wanted to know how big of a role (no pun intended) does creating size fetish content take in an artist’s personal life? I mean people have created some amazing art that surely takes a lot of time and effort. To the point that it seems unlikely that their friends or family haven’t noticed.So how do they go about it? Do they flat out tell everyone they draw content based on their weird kink? Or is it kept a secret save for a few close IRL mates?
I find myself constantly wanting to create SW stuff of my own. But I keep dropping it in favor of the non fetish content I want to make for general audiences. I just don’t want to be associated with this fetish in the broader community…
Any advice on what to do?
@kondo said in To the creators of this community:
I always wanted to know how big of a role (no pun intended) does creating size fetish content take in an artist’s personal life? I mean people have created some amazing art that surely takes a lot of time and effort. To the point that it seems unlikely that their friends or family haven’t noticed.So how do they go about it? Do they flat out tell everyone they draw content based on their weird kink? Or is it kept a secret save for a few close IRL mates?
I find myself constantly wanting to create SW stuff of my own. But I keep dropping it in favor of the non fetish content I want to make for general audiences. I just don’t want to be associated with this fetish in the broader community…
Any advice on what to do?
I think I’m very much like you Kondo. The size fetish fantasy (although I prefer to call it a hobby which has less sleazy undertones than the word fetish), has always been a private online fantasy for me which I keep separate from real life. I rarely fantasize about it in r/l situations, and apart from my partner no one who knows me personally is aware of my interest. That’s the way it works for me, and I’m happy with it.
I understand your concern about keeping your sw creativity separate from other things you do, but you’ve lots of scope for expressing yourself on sites like this one. I also recommend DeviantArt which is a very broad canvas, with a great many people with size interests having their own pages on there. That’s where I tend to operate mostly nowadays.
Good luck with what you do, and I hope to hear from you.
@kondo Well I am a size fetish artist myself. I am married and happy with my life so far. Good job, good relationship etc.
I keep my fetish to myself… No one knows about my Fetish or that I create those Images…
This is my Deviant Account. I think, you don’t have to tell someone about your fetish, but you need to sort yourself. It is not hard to hide a fetish, you just simply need to make a choice… Is it that important to tell everyone or can you live with a secret?
When I first got on the internet and discovered I wasn’t the only size perv on the planet, I was 27 years old and had already been married for three years. Up until then, I thought of it as just my own private fantasy world that no one else wanted or needed to know about. I also had no appreciation of dominance/submission as healthy bedroom roleplaying, so I felt very bad about enjoying the power disparity of size differential. Consequently, I did not share my size fantasies with my wife or anyone else. My wife only ever found out (about my F/m desires) through an inevitable browser history exposure. She’s still not interested in exploring it.
I spend an enormous amount of time on my computer, and my wife is aware that some of that time is devoted to size fantasy, but I have never shared with her that I write size stories or have a size blog. I imagine that if we had met when I was ten years older, I would have introduced it from the get-go, but as it is it’s just one of the many mutual accommodations we’ve made for each other.
The most helpful realization I’ve made is determining that my size fantasies are not the whole of my sexuality or imagination. I’ve been playing fantasy roleplaying games since I was 10, and size is just another fantasy world. I like the analogy of a model train set that I keep in my basement that I don’t let anyone else visit but that I do blog about.
This is funny… From my own experience, any fantasies and kinks, and that includes macro/micro, has been for me something like a dark secret worth self-kinkshame. It has to do with some personal circumstances, so I won’t go into any details here…
But it’s funny because I’ve been making size stuff for long, only since it was mixed with other topics, only those who had a keen eye could see there was something else.
About 2 years ago, I started to embrace this side of myself. I was in a similar situation, thinking how I can do size art/stories while keeping my “on main” persona… but then happened that, in the end, I make more size-related art, be it fluffy or spicy, thatn “main” art, and even both are the same.
I think it’s something quite personal, when you ponder about it, and there’s no right answer, only several points of view.
I actually do tell people that I draw adult comics and artwork, BUT they have no idea what sort of adult content I create. Some people will of course leave it at that, and others will pry and ask more.
The ones who pry, I will straight up tell them I have zero intention to show my work to them, or share my online art handles. My work life and private life DO NOT mix. Most respectable adults will usually drop it by then. Some of them will still be curious, and I do get family members who say “I’ll find out one day!” - but they haven’t. None of them care as much as you think they care.
Remember, at the end of the day, just like you’ve kept your SW interest private, you can keep your art private too. Especially if you end up doing digital work (which most of the community does), it’s never been easier. Good luck!
About 70% of my artwork is fetishistic so I usually keep my stuff online and don’t tell many people IRL. I’m not embarrassed by it, I just don’t feel the need to explain myself to others if I don’t have to. The fetish shit is just a hobby I indulge in on my free time like any other interest. I don’t care if it’s considered taboo or whatever, the internet has always been full of porn. I specifically like drawing giant stuff since there is a dearth of it and it’s my favorite thing.
When I have actually shared with IRL friends and partners in the past, they mostly just think it’s funny and move on honestly. Sometimes they even admit to similar interests. When I was younger I was a lot more afraid of opening up about that stuff since I hardly understood it and I thought I was alone, but seeing others make content I liked helped me realize it’s really not a big deal.
Thanks for all the insight! It’s interesting how some of you mentioned that it’s unlikely for people to find out about your size fantasy works. Considering how we live in an age where information spreads so quickly, I thought it’s probably easy to get caught if you don’t cover your tracks extremely well…
Still, there are some technicalities I need to figure out: I thought that maybe I should adapt a different artstyle for my SW content than my regular one. Or should I just go with what I know instead?
@kondo I think it would be hard for most people to put two and two together and realize you are the same person. Remember, they’d be having to visit both your public spaces AND your SW/kink spaces…which would make me think, maybe they’re into SW too.
But the point is, I think the chances of someone knowing exactly who you are by looking at artwork is astronomically low.
Technically not an artist but I do keep what I film private from friends. I tell my partner I’ll be back in a few hours when I scamper away and shoot someone. It’s basically just become a job. Covid hit and it almost became my only work. I shot right up to lock down and right after it lifted here. Literally the day before had to explain to police what I was doing in a park with a camera under one of my guys. They were just checking that everyone knew hanging out wasn’t allowed the following day.
I’ve had to explain to my accountant when I’m doing my taxes, he knows it’s selling videos online, he doesn’t know what KIND of videos.
While I make videos rather than drawings, over the years as things have grown (haha), I’ve had to figure out what to tell different people in different circumstances. With partners or potential partners, I am very straightforward about the fetish and making videos, mostly because I’ve always wanted to date people who like me for myself, rather than for who I am pretending to be (people also have different levels of jealousy, and I wanted to make sure a person was comfortable with me doing that before getting involved).
However, with friends and family I tend to be more vague unless I know that the person is kink-friendly and will not out me in ways that could be used against me. Usually I tell people that I either do “video editing” or “edit porn” or “edit fetish content” and I don’t elaborate unless people seem empathetic and genuinely interested rather than folks who seem like they just want to gaze at a spectacle of something that seems weird to them.
In terms of advice for not wanting to be associated with the fetish irl in regards to the other art you create in the same medium, I would probably just try to think of ways you can separate and safeguard your works (both in physical form and on the internet), and for your own safety planning, think about what would happen if xyz found out, so you have a plan for any unpredictable things that arise (this will also help you figure out things you might not be accounting for planning wise). For example, many years ago I had a family member open up a piece of mail (since I share a name with someone else in my family) for a payment from a fetish website that led to a rather awkward conversation lol, but at the end of the day, the world didn’t end either. I’m sure a lot of folks do this already, but even something as easy as using a separate internet browser for your fetish (that isn’t readily accessible on your computer) is a good safeguard.
I keep them very separate. There was a period a number of years ago when I thought I wanted to reconcile all my online lives, then realized that it would be a bigger logistical and mental nightmare than keeping them separate. Even if I did start getting “horny on main”, I would feel the pressure to self-censor some of my weirder, harsher, or more experimental stuff. Also the stuff that’s more personal to me - in other words, I’d feel like I’d have to be a “content creator” and all the baggage that goes with that rather than just an artist and writer expressing and exploring himself without shame.
In fact, it was the space created by keeping these worlds separate that led me to discovering that I was FTM and that I needed to transition. Not getting horny on main could very well have saved my life!
I do use different styles for different spheres of my life. For one thing, my mainstream work is very analog. I’m a conceptual painter who works on commission, as well. You can’t really get much further away from smut than that. My kinky art is all done digitally anyways, and I permit myself to be sketchy and lazy. I even have an entire brush pack that I basically reserve for smut now. It’s fun.
I don’t really talk about sex or sexuality very much with anyone IRL, though I’d like to change that in situations where it’s appropriate rather than feigning stoic disinterest. There’s a lot of reasons for it, but it was because most of the friends I’d made in public school wound up being ace, or just never dated or talked about dating. My family didn’t talk about sex very often either, and my parents were both pretty body-averse people that kept very hush hush. So I never learned how to be open about it, and combined with crippling dysphoria in my teen years that I also didn’t know how to talk about, even thinking about having sex as a woman made me feel disgusting!
That said, my partner knows and has zero problem with it, though we’ve never really acted anything out in bed. I used to have a few friends who knew, but they’re long gone. If someone asked me in plain english if I had a thing for giants or really tall men, I don’t think I’d lie. It’d be easy to turn it into something understandable. Something like “duh, the more man you can get the better!”
@kisupure Nothing drains a kink faster than having to be its ambassador.
@olo God, yes. I just want to play with my brain legos.