What A Night! Polaroids
Pick By DownSheGoes https://www.deviantart.com/downshegoes/art/What-A-Night-Polaroids-919171329
Just a few pics from Martha’s first date after she shrank. She might have had to much to drink.
@mrgoblinging7 What a sexy tiny redhead/ginger. Very creative, like cellphone pics or movies/videos. Polaroids are so wonderfully retro like VHS tapes are, hard to believe in time DVDs and Blu-rays will be retro someday as well. Old is not a bad thing, classics brought about the new technologies, yes new will become old, but wisdom and improved ideas come from the past ideas. Photo albums in physical form and uploaded to the internet cloud just incase something happens to them, this is what technology is for, recording a memory so it can never be forgotten.