Hello! New here
I guess this is the best place to post this. Username is macrodid. Our coming across macro communities is actually… very complicated, I would say, but I am hoping any lengthy introduction I share here helps to clarify. Feel free to sit down and read over a couple times, if it helps or if maybe you know someone else who’s been here before or maybe you have been here before.
So for years I knew about macro and about being both interested and into it. There was a lot of shame in it for me because (as I later discovered) it was more than just being… interested in it? For lack of a better word? I felt like this was a kink of mine, but somehow that didn’t seem to be the whole puzzle and was just a piece of it. There would be days, weeks, months, even years I lost time.
A few years ago we were diagnosed with DID (dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder) and it turned out we had a lot of tiny (as in a few inches tall) alters. A lot finally clicked in, realizing why I would feel the changes in our height and size and memory and everything before I blanked out. So reconciling that has been very difficult so far, and I think it has been even more confusing to realize I was still into G/T kinks as just… well… in a pleasurable way aside from our diagnosis and aside from our alters?
I feel I’ve come to a point where I’ve grown more comfortable with the fact we even have tiny alters, despite how confusing it has been for me. But I guess joining a community like this is just a way for me to genuinely start feeling comfortable having this interest as a kink, too. And if any of our other alters find this community helpful and healing for them, too—great!
I apologize if this all sounds super confusing, but I hope you all will accept me here even given this complex background. Thank you for reading this far if you have, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
@macrodid Hello and welcome! I really hope you’re able to feel safe exploring yourselves here
I’m no DID expert but I did take quite an interest in it for a while, so I’m at least familiar with the terms and how it generally works. That’s so fascinating that some of your alters ended up manifesting in different sizes!
Welcome to the new hive mind hope you and yours find a place around here and don’t be shy about asking for aid plus you sound super interesting
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I really hope this site helps us accept ourselves more and feel more okay being ourselves. It’s difficult enough as is, so finding supportive communities helps a lot.
Thank you again