Giant Men > Shrunken Women
I realize I tend to lean toward the idea of giant men in cities causing destruction and humiliation more than the single shrunken woman fantasy. There seems to be less content about that that focuses on women tinies. Anyone else?
I have seen many polls made on various social media platforms over the years, and the results are always the same in terms of popularity.
Basically, there are way more tinies than bigs (ie. more subs than doms), and way more men than women overall. So SM is by far the most popular, GTS is next (whether m/F or f/F), then SW followed by giant men.
If you drill down into the data, SW interacting with normal sized men is more popular than giant men with tiny ladies. City destruction is yet another sub-niche, after all that.
I feel your pain as M/f is already rarer and my own niche is micro, which is way less popular than the other more traditional sizes for SW. Oh, I made a few renders with city destruction btw, if giant paladins are your thing hehe.
@annaconda I agree that true giant men are rare in both Size imagery and stories. Almost all of the giant man images I post here were originally intended for M/m viewers. Kinds ironic since King Kong is so popular and evocative.
@annaconda I enjoy both growth and shrinking scenarios, but if I have to choose, I prefer growth scenarios. I noticed a long time ago that there isn’t a lot of M/f content involving giant men towering over everyone, which is disappointing.
@Nyx What I’m gathering from all these responses is that someone (more talented than I am) needs to get on making more content