@The-Big-G My quick answer is both. I think that’s part of my problem, I can’t decide which. It doesn’t help I don’t know the games that well so I can’t adjust any of their stories.
One idea is a woman that wakes up as sort of a human/Squirtle-like hybrid given to a guy as his started Poke-person. Like she’s a Squirtle in combat and such, but it’s also a costume. Also all the Poke-people combos are also confused people trapped in Poke-suits. That one I wanted to follow one of the early Pokémon games, but like I said, I don’t know them that well.
Less loosely worked on is a guy that makes himself Poke-balls and begins catching people.
I have a dozen or more stories going so I likely won’t start on either of those any time soon. So they are open for someone to borrow if they can plan them out better then I have so far. Just let me know what you made.