Rendezvous by Colliaz
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I’ve already told of my undying love for this series and I don’t want to sound pedantic but “restaurant” is a masculine noun, thus there’s no “e” at the end of “français”.
(Yes I know I make mistakes in English, too. And don’t ask why there’s gender for everything in French - just the way it is)
@foreverlurk The artist is a Swedish woman writing perfectly cromulent English. Asking for proper French is a big ask.
@Olo Uh, first I learned she was a woman, now I learn she’s from Sweden.
Allright, I bow down to our G/t-loving, multilingual Scandinavian overlords!
@foreverlurk They’re all taught English from age 4 or so, and all the television and internet is in English, so they have all the practice they need.
Casually waiting for her date while standing next to a crumpled soda can and cigarette, I admire her bravery and confidence in this one. One side glance from a Giantess like that and I’d be gone
please come pick me up in tiny town
@Olo I as a Swede didn’t even know we started English at 4