Preferred method of punishment for tinies
Thought I’d start a discussion on this fine Monday!What are some of your most favorite methods for punishing misbehaving/disobedient tinies?
Or perhaps you prefer positive reinforcement rather than negative?
Positive reinforcement is usually preferable to me, and happily that’s often all that’s necessary. I’m a big believer in fulsome communication, and it’s important that my pets and I understand one another. There are always exceptions, however, and the key is being prepared for any eventuality.
A wise owner tailors his punishments to each pet’s particular needs. What deters one pet from misbehaving might only encourage it in another. And you have to watch out for those pets who actually crave certain punishments. You might want to indulge them on occasion, only to deprive them later when they get out of hand.
I never vent my anger on my pets; they’re too valuable to me for that. Punishments must be determined in a calm, reasonable state of mind. This is not to say that I never enjoy punishing pets, but the primary enjoyment comes from applying effective instruction.
The simplest punishments are usually the best. Entrapment, containment, binding are very effective methods of demonstrating dominance. If she is one of those who actually finds reassurance from being contained or bound, there are always ways to make it uncomfortable or distressing, usually by leaving her somewhere isolated long enough for her to become dehydrated or to soil herself.
I generally prefer to inflict humiliation than pain. Putting her in some demeaning circumstances with a smirk, chuckling at her cries of dismay. Whatever she finds most degrading. The real problem cases usually end up spending some time in the toilet bowl.
As “punishment” implies the possibility of improved future behavior, vore isn’t punishment so much as a final disposition. I typically only swallow a pet if I determine that our relationship has been exhausted, and that her only possible remaining contribution is to slide down my throat and fill my stomach. Or, you know, if I’ve had too much wine.
@olo Excellent response! I’m definitely one of those tinies that will misbehave intentionally in hopes that I’ll be punished! bad Chloe lol
@smolchlo How do you feel about bugs?
@olo Oh I love bugs especially rollie pollie’s! or do you mean like putting bugs on me when I am tiny?!
My list of punishments is as follows.
Minor Infractions - Being Bratty Or Some Such
1 - Spanked with a rubber band
2 - Dangled over a height that would kill them if dropped
3 - Verbal scolding
Moderate Infractions - Repeated Disobedience Or Escape Attempts
1 - Flicked hard enough to hurt, possibly bruise
2 - Two days of solitary confinement, without food or water
3 - Pressed against the floor underfoot until their struggling stoped
4 - Threatened with being eaten, possibly dangled over mouth, or placed in mouth and almost swallowed repeatedly
Major Infractions - Somehow Harming Their Master Or Failer To Improve Performance Over Extended Period Of Time
1 - Pinching limbs until they break
2 - Strangled with thumb and forefinger
3 - Burned with hot wax, cigarette, or a match
4- Violently use special tiny dildos to rape their pussy and ass until they no longer have the strength to scream, cry or move
If All Of This Does Not Work To Maintain An Appropriate Level Of Obideanc Than The Tiny Will Be Disposed Of In The Following Ways
1 - Crushed underfoot, ass, fist, or genitals
2 - Thrown away after having every bone broken, trash can, toilet, or garbage disposal in the sink
3 - Eaten whole, or prepared as a part of a dish alive, possibly fed to a regular-sized significant other
4 - If they are a size that can hold a cock, comfortably or otherwise, they will be fucked until death, orally if possible
Personally, I prefer a mix of positive and negative reinforcement, not just because of how… wholistic it is, but because, well, it’s fun!
Giving praise, pets, headpats or treats for good behavior isn’t a burden, of course, and it’s simple enough to do. A nice massage would be more… in depth, but again, probably as fun for me as it would be for her.
On the punishment end… well, of course there’s some tailoring required to fit, but in a general sense, unless the tiny is really kinky, a legit, painful spanking seems like a good default response. My own kinks aside, I’d value my own tinies, no matter the relationship (pet, partner, toy, etc), too much to actually do any real damage to them, but depending on how much I value them as individuals, options open up. Threatening to do something, however, would be on the table, depending how little I liked them, in ‘dangle them over my mouth’ kind of way. Just… going right up to them and yelling angrily in their faces, considering the volume involved, wouldn’t be nothing either. Isolating them, trapping them in a jar or box or something in the dark for a couple of hours, would be effective, especially if I was really annoyed.
Also something to consider is the fact if I had multiple SWs, I’d likely have some sort of hierarchy going on: my favorites, maybe those in disfavor, and everyone else, and there of course would be benefits to being the favorite. Dropping someone’s status, whether there are others to lord over them for their fall or not, and making them live in a hamster cage with wood shavings, or even full time in a jar, instead of a posh dollhouse, would very much be on the table then.
And finally, I’m the kind of guy who wears necklaces. I’d just love to wear a misbehaving tiny around my neck all day.
@mrgoblinging7 So no shenanigans I see
I’d have to be on my most best behavior with you! The “breaking of the limbs” gave me chills
@mrgoblinging7 I think I’ll just print out this post and tape it to the wall of the terrarium and look kind by comparison.
@i-am-insane ahhhhhh the booming yelling voice is so scary! You’ll make my poor little ears bleed
noooo not the dreaded hamster cages either! Would you keep her in a charm around your neck? I’m trying to imagine this necklace
If they’re really small, I could easily have a little cage or something at the end, but more likely it’d be more of a bondage thing: the little woman tied up by the string of necklace itself.Simplest would just be tied by the hands or legs and dangling there, by and by large free to move, (and I’d probably need a lot more practice with knot tying to go beyond that) but there is a long and well studied history erotically tying people up: it’s nice to image a woman hanging from my neck, forced into whatever position I please and utterly unable to move or brace herself as she swings in the air, maybe with some string riding up into some more sensitive locations as hours pass…
@i-am-insane ah I see I see
very nice! I think I’d might enjoy being a pretty little necklace for a giant
Fridge, freezer, blender, food processor, lawn mower, q-tips, …
@sloppy_amy … you scare me the most lol but very creative as always!