@olo My most favorite of Miyoko_91’s, a breath-taking render, like others on here, I have so much desire to hold a woman like this, so beautiful, desirable, and helpless to my affections.:handheld: :kiss:
@olo Great render, either he told her how precious she is to him, or how he doesn’t want to share her with anyone else or both. A very romantic vibe going on.😍😘💕
See…the yandere lover in me wants someone wholly obsessed with teasing, toying with, and occasionally taking care of me, as his solitary little prized possession. But the needy social part of me would need someone else around, so I guess I wouldn’t mind a few other girls.
If you read the captions of the associated image-story, the giantess here caught the shrunken woman cheating with her (the giantess’s) boyfriend and shrunk them both.