Happy Hug a Tiny Day!
Face hug! Make sure to give your lil friends some love today~
Alsooo… This is actually kind of a sneak peek because I miiiight be working on a potential lil webcomic? I was curious to get peoples’ thoughts - I plan on posting it to Webtoons and DA but was considering posting it here too. It’s 100% SFW though so I wasn’t sure if there would be any interest, I might just stick to the 2 spots.
@littlest-lily I like both SFW and NSFW content and I’d read the heck out of it
@littlest-lily Pervs need fluff too!
@littlest-lily I’m always a sucker for fluff - I love Violet Goes to the Beach and I would love to see what you come with. If you decide not to post it all on here, definitely share the link
@tinyborrower Oh gosh, this would be nowhere near the caliber of Violet Goes to the Beach! (I love that one too~) Maybe one day I’ll have the courage to make a full-on plot for a comic, once I feel like my art’s in a place where I could semi do it justice. For now I plan to practice with cute lil episodic little anecdotes.
I appreciate the responses!!
We want more fluff than a rabbit made of marshmallows!
@souperman That’s a whole lotta fluff
I think I can deliver!