How Do You Store Your Micros?
I love a good hamster cage! but the classic glass jar is also a favorite. Especially when I’ve just been captured and he wants to inspect me. The little sounds from me angrily smacking my tiny fists against the glass is just added entertainment for him
And the plastic Tic Tac container for when I’m bad
very humiliating
Gunna have to go with a hamster cage when I’m not using them. And pockets/down the front of my pants when walking about.
It’s a little odd that a dollhouse isn’t an option on the list. But I get it, this is more of an, tinies are things not people, kinda post.
Ummm I would definitely prefer free roaming if I get the choice! I can be good and sit in a pocket
Heck, I would take a pocket with a zipper over most of these, for comfort reasons. The matchbox one is cute though, just as a lil bed~ Otherwise I think I’d pick one that’s transparent to not be in pitch blackness… More specifically the tic tac container for the extra teeny size. Just the idea of the giant tapping his fingernail against the wall and I fall over… 🫠
@Olo A giant holding a tiny person in his mouth is good.
A giant holding a tiny person in his mouth while trying to talk or eat is even better.
@Nyx casually being tossed around while trying not to blend with the other chewed up ingredients
I really like the sound of that
@SmolChlo Gotta avoid those molars…they’re dangerous
@Nyx Lemme know if you see any gingivitis, will ya?
I store my micros with the simple knowledge that I am the best chance they’re going to get.
I’d go with shirt pocket, or if it’s cold I guess wrapped in my scarf, or maybe my hoodies hood. In fact pretty much anywhere close to me, ahem.
On second thought… can’t I just keep her in my hand all the time?!
Condoms. I store them in my condoms.
@Visitor6996 So they’re still in there when you put it on and fill it, yes?
Personally, I like to store them using the Russian Nesting Doll (or Matryoshka) method!
Put one tiny woman in your pocket. Then put an even tinier woman in in the first tiny woman’s pocket. Then put an even MORE minuscule woman in the TINIER woman’s pocket! And so on, up to infinity…