zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
Howdy-do. My name’s Aborigen and I’m running a podcast about Size Fantasy, zHEIGHTgeist. I’d like to do an episode on giant men and shrunken women, but admittedly this is a topic outside of my wheelhouse. It’s only responsible for me to consult the experts on this.
I’ve cobbled together a questionnaire for anyone who’d like to share their experiences with me. I don’t need to collect any personal information, just your name/handle and how you see the world. I may not be able to use all responses on the episode but I would greatly appreciate anything you can share with me so I may do the topic some justice, both for Size fans and those to whom this may be new.
This questionnaire (link) will be up for about a week, closing Sunday, March 3 to give me time to review the responses and knead this into an episode. My gratitude in advance, and please look forward to this.
UPDATE: If you’re a normal-sized guy into shrunken women or a normal-sized woman into giant men, please feel free to respond! I don’t mean to exclude any permutation.
@Aborigen Hey, thanks so much for the representation! Also that was fun to fill out, I’m curious to see what other people write
@littlest-lily That was a great question you had at the end. I’ve added it to the questionnaire.
@Aborigen Oh that’s good to hear! Happy to help
Done answers submitted
I’ve sent some responses. Great questions. You should have a lot to explore. I’ll have to check out your podcast!
@Aborigen Impish question: Are you gonna do a M/m version over on Coiled Fist?
Yes, I’ve been waiting for this episode since the podcast was announced. Sent my response as mreddie.
Those were very interesting to answer, thanks!
@Olo Probably not, or else that would be for season 2. I’d be surprised if they had any interest in a F/m-originating podcast, but I certainly have material to go with that, and they’re as established a community as any.
I very much appreciate everyone who’s answered so far! There are some great responses with a lot of food for thought.
I apologize for the limitations of the questions: I had anticipated hearing from giant men or tiny women, and while normal-sized fans of each are certainly welcome, I didn’t sufficiently retrofit the questions to accommodate this factor. Kudos to those who were able to make their answers work regardless.
@Aborigen No problems, size identities can be complex to navigate. I know I have no desires to grow or be a literal giant, I only want to be huge relative to the shrunken woman at my feet.
I also know some ladies that prefer to be normal sized with said literal giant, which is also completely valid. I think your questions were open enough that we understood the assignment regardless.
Thank you so much for reaching out to us! I know we all are really enjoying the podcast so far.
It can be difficult to discuss things outside of your own preferences, so the effort you’re putting in with M/f is greatly appreciated.
(I plan to respond under anon when I get a moment to think about my answers. I hope our feedback is insightful!
@Aborigen Some great questions, thanks for putting it together