Giant Reactions
@ravenrose4242 That’s a huge enjoyment issue, the sadist in me loves punishing a bratty defiant tiny, and if I realize that she enjoys being punished the more I enjoy it. The whole sadomasochistic dynamic is very thrilling and enticing, putting you in the time out jar, or taping or tying you down, gently squeezing you in my grip till you scream and cry for me to stop, and holding you down is so intoxicating when both participants enjoy it.
@giant-keith I have no idea why but it’s always included in every single one of my fantasies. I love the little squeeze giants do to their tinies once they have them in their grip. It’s a subtle threat but i find it incredibly thrilling and spicy! Makes me heart race just thinking about it lol
@smolchlo Besides holding a tiny in my palm with her looking up at me, making my heart race, gripping her is part of all my fantasies too. It’s just as thrilling to me, holding her in my grip her dependence on my mercy, and having her at my every whim this seems to be the best part of my microphilia experience, someone is my captive audience for all my sexual desires.
@giant-keith couldn’t have said it better myself!
Whelp, time for me to throw my hat into the ring. Where did that saying even come from? Sounds kinda silly to throw a hat into a ring, anyway, let’s get creative.
In A Univers Where Tinies Are Not Common
Shock and confusion, a little fear at first, a normal human reaction to seeing a bug. But when the jumping out of his seat at the sight of a weird-looking bug feeling wears off, he sees the poor little lady for what she is.
Confusion would take over, that moment of wide-eyed discovery that most only experience when their kids. Moving his whole head down to get a closer look, jaw slightly open, eyes glued to the tiny lady.
If he can hear her speak, then I would assume he would jump back a bit. So lost in the moment of discovery that any development would be surprising. The usual stumbling over questions would happen. “What are you? How did you get so small? Are their more like you?” But even after the ice has been broken, he would still be glaring at her like he found a fucking dragon egg.
What happens next is entirely up for speculation. Is he nice and sweet, taking her in and spoiling her rotten? Does he even see her as human, or as an exotic pet to keep in a birdcage and show off to his friends? Or as the first woman he met who couldn’t say no, who can’t reject or refuse his desires, who he can use whenever he wanted?
Honestly, I would probably be the first one for real and the third one when wear having sexy time.
@mrgoblinging7 Throwing in the towel be the same thing, though something made to end a wrestling or boxing fight in/with mercy when the losing side knows it’s over for them, I suppose the saying would be, throwing your money in the pot, or giving your two cents, would also be contribution issues. Anyway, like your descriptions too, very well done/said.
@smolchlo I think I would be like I write about and roleplay when it comes to finding a shrunken woman.
I would want to save and protect her. I would hope to be gentle and make her feel better about her new outlook on life now that she is doll size or so. I might have to see how things work out with her personality with the changes she went through and hope I can make her feel good.
@mrgoblinging7 I really like this, to me this seems like the most realistic reaction one would have to finding a tiny woman for the first time. Like if I randomly stumbled upon a tiny woman, I’m pretty sure I would be in shock and just really confused. I would barely be able to form sentences… I’d probably just blurt out “Hey lady! Are you okay?! lol but thank you for the response!
@thereducer Aww this is very sweet! I love that you want to protect/comfort her and make sure she gets all situated and adjusted to her new size. Thank you for being a safe space for tinies! So cute
@smolchlo I’m just a big softy.
@thereducer I
️ it! It’s refreshing
@thereducer Me too, I wonder how many gentle protecting giants are there? IRL Most of us men are born protectors of women and children even tiny ones in our fantasies. We may all have a dark side for punishment, and a mean streak for Justice, but there is always love and affection to be given otherwise. I now celebrate both sides of the giant spectrum, to have heroes you have to have villains too IMHO.
@giant-keith All depends on who I’m with at the time. I’ll play off what they like but I do tell them my limits on stuff.
@thereducer yeah, I can say that also, as I’ve got into RP with partners with different tastes. I’ve gotten in touch with my darker desires that I wouldn’t do in fantasies on my own. We push each others comfort zones till one person says they didn’t enjoy that, or they loved it. It’s all about self discovery reactions, and enjoyment. Interaction/socialization experience is one of the ways we learn no matter who or where we are in life. I’m still a gentle old soul willing to learn new things, but I allow myself to enjoy being the bad guy in my imagination, I know I love playful humiliation and inflicting some playful pain, I wouldn’t know that about myself if I didn’t have the experience of it with someone who also enjoys it. I love a good girl-bad girl/bratty tiny to satisfy my darker desires.
@smolchlo I like to imagine the giant’s reaction as either gleeful and teasing or cold and calculating, especially if the tiny woman is scared out of her mind.