Shrinking Story Ideas
As much as I like Shrinking stories as much as the next guy. They’re all too similar In my opinion. It mostly involves someone minding their own business usually a woman just to get shrunk. Through conditioning and fear, they are eventually begrudgingly forced to expect it. There isn’t anything wrong with it. I mean it is the main reason giants are interested in it. This is including me…I will not lie but I want to read something different. So, If I want something done. I will do it myself. Anyone has any suggestions of possible stories or shrinking stories you find interesting? I have a couple of ideas that I want to also run other people.
- Let’s flip the format instead of the Giant having all the power. Why not have giants be unnecessarily scared of the tinies?
Giant “OH, GOD! It’s on the floor! It’s looking at m.e…with its tiny eyes…ugh. SHIT. IT’S CRAWLING UP MY PANTS! GET IT OFF!”
I just think it would be funny.-
Just a wholesome story. If I am capable of writing that.
An story that starts out normally except the tiny is oddly nonplussed with the situation. She just immediately accepts it.
Giant: “Really… you’re not even fighting me about this?”
Tiny: “Will it change anything?”
Giant: “No. not really… Not even a little bit?”
Tiny: “Sounds like too much work.”
@ThumbLoverVer2 I think the idea of a giant man frightened by a tiny woman coming closer to him and then scurrying up his leg is hilarious and adorable
The first idea amuses me. I see so many amusing happenstances.
His friends mocking him, Tiny catcher laughing at him, his romantic partner belittling him. The whole time the poor guy has a phobia and one cleaver very little lady using that for fresh fruit and warm clothes and bedding. He just can’t catch a break.
You could even call it Borrowed Fear.
@HentaiHunter1 I would definitely torment a Giant like that LOL
@SmolChlo “She is a menace! Look at that smug face…she knows what she is doing…” Every time the other people look away the tiny is taunting him. lol.
@HentaiHunter1 Borrowed Fear. That is a good name. I might use that. I definitely would want the tiny to be a mischievous little diva.
@ThumbLoverVer2 Oooooooh I would have SO much fun being a miniature bully towards him… especially the moment we are alone with each other lol Chloe the tiny terror
A nice way to play it is a normal person from our version of reality, being randomly transplanted or having reality changed to one where SWs are an established thing, and being the only one to notice.
So, they see moving out of the corner of their eye and think, ‘mouse’, where everyone else thinks, ‘SW’. Or just a blue screen of death over this is a tiny person, what the actual fuck while everyone stares at them, puzzled.
Maybe their girlfirend is suddenly small, and they’ve been living together for years, and he’s too busy having a breakdown to be into her, and she goes to her girlfriends wondering why he doesn’t like her any more, and so escalates with skimpier clothes and stuff, and it keeps escalating until something in his brain finally connects ‘this small mammal thing’ with ‘this is a naked hot woman covered in chocolate’.
I concur with everyone else, that first idea is a gem and sounds hilarious. Otherwise, I’ve come across some wholesome stories (and enjoy writing some myself) but really find myself wishing there were more! The other thing I wish I saw more of (and I realize I’m in the minority in really enjoying this) are micro sizes. There’s a lot of fun adventures to be had with bug sizes ladies, and they don’t have to be unaware stories either! I’d share more specific ideas if I didn’t plan on writing them myself one day haha. But I look forward to whatever comes out of this!
Oh no, I agree, micro stories are fun, but since it’s basiclly impossible to have normal interaction they’re harder to write and indulge in. Generally they tend to short stories more, since there’s less to explain than something longer and more in-depth. -
@i-am-insane Agreed! But I looove that challenge of how interaction can still happen. Even if some of the physics end up having to be hand waved away sometimes, but heck that happens anyways with growth and shrinking stuff.
@SmolChlo What a terrifying thought. What have I done. I would be careful tho. After all, bullies get the boot!
@ThumbLoverVer2 you scared of a tiny bully like me? 🥺 … I just want to crawl up your pant leg when your least expecting it
@SmolChlo I used to torment myself imagining that a venomous spider was going to crawl under my bed sheets as soon as I turned off the light.
This is worse.
@Olo a scary little Chloe lurking in the darkness that is your bed sheets, waiting for her enormous prey to get into bed, relax and enjoy his peaceful slumber… or so he thought
️ I’d have to be careful though, I don’t want to get rolled over on top of