Split Fiction - Giants
The recent video game Split Fiction has a level where the two lady player characters climb a mountain with the help of a bunch of giants.
“Oh no I accidentally flew into the giant’s bulge on accident ha ha”
“This is about more than hiking…”
I was really expecting an confession right there! Haha. Thanks for bringing this here. -
@tiny-ivy She was THIS CLOSE to telling us about her harem of giant viking men.
Nice catch, thanks for sharing!
Still waiting for the game that will let me play as a giant
well there are some VR games like Giant Cop that do that. Or I recently found out Guild Wars 2 has an unlockable cosmetic that makes your character twice as big (on Norn, the viking people, it results in them being ~20 ft tall) -
I know some sizey VR games exists but I’m still waiting for a game tailored for our, um, specific needs. A game built from the ground-up with size difference in mind, for both POVs. Attention to details, like perspective shifting, dynamic FOV and distance calculations based on relative size, proper distance blur, dynamic asset streaming (ie. higher quality and surface details for tinies), and of course proper spatial audio based on size.Norn was, of course, the class I played backed in the days hehe