@Kisupure Now since I think about it, I agree that you are right about it being more related to past experiences.
Although my fetish is correlated to some of my past memories, it mainly just kind of came to me. I have always liked the idea of being small or with someone much larger than me. I have never liked being big. To me, it’s like a second sexual orientation (I apologize if it’s inappropriate to compare size preferences to sexual orientations)
I just made this topic because I have read articles and watched videos of people saying that macrophilia is very common amount men. I know that for adults, men usually grow taller than women by a few inches, so I thought it could be correlated to that.
Maybe in reality, it is equally common among men and women. But for some reason there are mainly reports on men having the fetish outside of the size community.
I do kind of get height dysphoria too, although I am average height, for some reason it makes me feel uncomfortable when I am with a bunch of people shorter than me, as if I am an alien height. So I sometimes slouch, I try not do it but it makes me feel more at ease. My height dysphoria could relate to my fetish.