@SmolChlo The sensory overload point is very interesting. In real life I feel that I get more easily overwhelmed than the average person, especially when it comes to overstimulating environments (not that everybody loves those, but I definitely don’t have the best tolerance for them).
And yet sizey stuff is all about being overwhelmed. While I definitely think that feeling of connection and safety plays a huge role in my fantasy, I think there may be a touch of masochism there as well.
@foreverlurk Uh oh! Guess it’s time for me to go have an existential crisis lol
@SmolChlo So far, Aborigen has (unintentionally) devoted more time to the experiences and desires of macrophiles than those of microphiles. I don’t think that’s wholly unreasonable, given that I believe there are more macrophiles than microphiles in the size community, but I hope he rectifies this with the sensory impressions that microphiles find attractive. Being someone else’s entire world, affirming their total dependence on you, taking pride in providing for their needs; that’s what Biggos crave. Precious fragility and uncontested possession; gimme gimme gimme.
@blehb said:
While I definitely think that feeling of connection and safety plays a huge role in my fantasy, I think there may be a touch of masochism there as well.
Oh, there are many, many dimensions to these desires. I once discussed Unaware fantasies with someone who prefers them (I don’t, really), and ultimately I offered the following interpretation: One attraction of being tiny in an unaware scenario is experiencing peril or abuse from someone who doesn’t intend it, so you can’t blame them or think ill of them afterward.
Full disclosure, I haven’t listened to the podcast yet.
@foreverlurk got me curious to look up research and published work on macrophilia, because, yeah, that sounds really outdated and unsubstantiated. I mean, it might be true for some people, but I think it’s, at best, an extremely uninformed conclusion.
Professor Mark Griffiths posted a decent blog piece on macrophilia in 2012. It already seems a hell of a lot of insightful into the psychology of extreme size differences. Note his comment on Friedman’s comments:
"However, most online accounts by macrophiles that I have read online, don’t seem to match the psychological profile put forward by Dr. Friedman. "
I know that we, as fans, have enough insight to dismiss her comments (as you have), but perhaps it’s some consolation to see an informed observation coming from the outside.
I’d love to see the results of a survey/study on size fetishes/fascinations more broadly - the few papers I’ve skimmed so far focus on a single person and treats it like a mental illness, which is neither particularly representative or very encouraging. I’ve mentioned before that even a demographics survey would be cool (someone did one a while ago that did the rounds for a few months).
TL;DR Dr Friedman’s comments are, at best, questionable speculation on the roots of macrophilia/size fetishes.
@Olo said in zHEIGHTgeist:
One attraction of being tiny in an unaware scenario is experiencing peril or abuse from someone who doesn’t intend it, so you can’t blame them or think ill of them afterward.
As a big fan of unaware scenarios, that’s a fantastic explanation of why they’re appealing. I love cruel and I love gentle, but a gentle guy being cruel (even unintentionally) is chef’s kiss.
Although there is a tinge of guilt associated with that fantasy, since it is imagining someone in a situation they don’t particularly want to be in, regardless if they’re in the more dominant role or not.
As for your other point, I feel like the next two episodes may zero in on the microphilia aspect of size kink. Aborigen really took time to clarify in the introduction episode that the kink goes beyond men fetishizing giantesses, and since the last two episodes had macrophilia in the title it seems to be an intentional focus on that half of the fantasy. At least I hope that’s the case!
@miss-lillipants said in zHEIGHTgeist:
I know that we, as fans, have enough insight to dismiss her comments (as you have), but perhaps it’s some consolation to see an informed observation coming from the outside.
It is, thanks for sharing this very interesting blog post. Love that quote
“I was turned on by ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ before I knew what the birds and the bees were all about”. I know the focus is on macrophilia (again!) but it gives me some insights that helps my own journey of self-understanding.
I hope that microphilia will be explored later in the podcast, I know we’re a rarer breed but we do exist (or maybe we don’t, ask Dr Friedman!), and I’d still like some data about its origin beyond the usual “it’s-the-patriarchy!”, and hopefully beyond the purely sexual aspect too.
@blehb I understand what you mean, my tolerance for those situations is pretty low as well. Put me in a room with more than 3 people and I’m instantly sweating but a Giant picking me up and overwhelming me with his enormous presence? It’s like a can finally breath
And as strange as it sounds, I’ve noticed it helps slow down my anxiety attacks if I imagine a Giant interacting with me. Even if he’s cruel, there’s something instantly calming about it. Plus I am a masochist so I’m sure that plays a role as well lol
@Olo hands down thee best interpretation of Unaware fantasies. I’ve never heard it put that way before and dare I say it kinda made me curious to explore some those scenarios more
@SmolChlo I just love understanding what makes other people tick, too… even if it’s not my main fantasy. Simply keeping an open mind made me discover some aspects I hadn’t considered, and explore scenarios I had previously discarded!
@SmolChlo I always think about this stuff when I’m trying to go to bed. It really puts me at ease and helps me fall asleep, though it’s not great for brainstorming.
@miss-lillipants I showed Aborigen the reactions here to the latest episode, and here is his response:
@blehb said in zHEIGHTgeist:
@SmolChlo Idk, I would totally read a story about a four inch-tall femme fatale.
lol my story kinda has that element in there. Relentless headstrong woman even though she ends up 4" sometimes lol
@foreverlurk Same. Good upbringing and happy childhood. Take a whole-ass seat, lady. Take your outdated boomer mentality elswehre.
@foreverlurk No. Immediate no.
I’m half and half with this, Aborigen maybe needs to loosen up but I get he’s trying to get his point across.
Relax yourself a bit, don’t sound too stiff.
The other issue is the macro focus but it is a podcast mostly about macro with some micro focus.
Just my 2c.