Looking for source of this GIF
@foreverlurk I’ve actually shared this music video with certain girls before (without telling them that this was a “fantasy” of mine) and had them “awwwww” over it. Of course, this was AFTER I had planted ideas in their heads about being kept in my shirt pocket, so it wasn’t completely out of nowhere, and there was a preexisting context for the scenario.
@protect-tinies Right, I wouldn’t just randomly share that without context. It’s just that in the past I’ve sent soooo many subtle (sometimes not-so-subtle) hints that went unnoticed, so I thought I’d try a more direct approach next time.
@foreverlurk Yeah, my “hints” were anything but subtle…that’s why they were successful.
The only part that was subtle was the “kink” part. I started by offering to shrink these girls and take them away from all their problems and obligations and keep them in my shirt pocket. Of course, it was said in a cute, romantic way, not in a “I’m a weirdo who has a deep dark secret” kind of way. Then I ran with that scenario, shared the music video and said “Look! Someone made a documentary about your life!”, etc. Generally speaking, this stuff is not going to be weird unless you MAKE it weird. Haha.
@protect-tinies said in Looking for source of this GIF:
I started by offering to shrink these girls and take them away from all their problems and obligations and keep them in my shirt pocket.
grabs notebook and start taking notes…
As subtle as a sledgehammer, lol. That was online, or in meatspace? Either way that’s very straightforward, no? I’m not sure I could even joke about shrinking her without making it awkward.
This is good advice regardless, thanks!
@protect-tinies Holy crap I have no idea how I would have reacted if a guy flirted with me that way fkanancjjskas
That’s when the plan backfires because she really is one of us and gets too embarrassed
@foreverlurk I did this through texting. I think it would be harder for me to do it in person without coming across as weird, haha.
I’m a stereotypical introvert, and I’m better at writing than I am at speaking…I play to my strengths. I think the trick is to really lean into the playful and whimsical side of the fantasy. You make it intentionally silly and over the top (but also maintaining the sweet and romantic part of it). Women in general LOVE to feel protected and taken care of, and this scenario is a good way to create those feelings. (They don’t care if it’s only a silly fantasy…that’s why they read romance novels…the fantasy may not be real, but the emotions are).
They also LOVE confidence in a man…so what you say doesn’t matter nearly as much as how you say it. If you say something confidently, as long as they find you attractive, they’ll accept almost anything. (If they don’t find you attractive, you’re very unlikely to change that by saying the right things to them, so it’s usually best to move on to someone else who DOES find you attractive.) If you’re willing to say things to a woman that are a bit risky (if you’re willing to risk sounding silly or slightly weird), that actually communicates confidence, which is attractive. It means you’re not putting her on a pedestal and aren’t totally freaked out by the possibility of scaring her off. Also attractive.
@littlest-lily Fortunately, there are very few of “us” out there, so the risk of intimidating her into embarrassed silence through sizey flirting is negligible!
@protect-tinies really appreciate taking the time to share your “Guide to SW” hehe. I figured this was done through online chat - unless you have balls of steel or confidence galore, I don’t know how we could NOT make it sound weird otherwise. Thanks for helping my autistic, Xennial ass make sense of all this!
@littlest-lily the probabilities are miniscule so I’m not counting on it, but wouldn’t that be… ridiculously awesome?!
@foreverlurk I remember when I told my now-husband, in the back of my mind I was wondering “okay, what’s worse… He’s not into it at all? Or he has a size kink too but also wants to be the small one?”
Thankfully it all worked out. And I will say, as much as the odds are insanely slim to have perfect compatibility on that front, from everyone in my IRL circle that I’ve told about this, the general consensus has been “it’s really not that weird.” So yeah, I’m sure many women wouldn’t mind the idea of it, in a lighthearted sense. (I want to be careful about generalizing of course though)
@littlest-lily I’m lucky that I’m into M/f content and not F/m or something else, because I think there are a number of things about M/f that already appeal to what straight women are into, so it’s not that hard to make the fantasy seem appealing to normie women. (The crazy popularity of stuff like 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight is a pretty strong clue about what normie women appreciate. Even though my take on the fantasy is gentle and not rough or cruel, there’s definitely some overlap between M/f and 50 Shades. They both tap into a lot of the same themes and emotions.)
In my personal experience, women’s feelings about it tend to go beyond “wouldn’t mind the idea of it, in a lighthearted sense.” I once made a girl cry while doing M/f stuff with her (happy tears, not sad tears). I wasn’t TRYING to make her cry…it just happened. (I was certainly surprised by that!
) I’ve had girls say they wish it was real, and I’ve had them affectionately refer to me as “my giant” (completely unprompted). One girl told me that she always dreamed about me when she was asleep, and she said when she got into bed, she would always imagine herself lying on my chest. I half-jokingly asked her, “Are you normal-sized and just putting your head on my chest, or are you tiny?” She said, “Both. It depends. Sometimes I’m imagining myself tiny, and then when I fall asleep, I’m normal-sized in my dreams. Sometimes I start out normal-sized, and then I’m tiny in my dreams.” I was like: “WHAAAAAAT???”
She was regularly having dreams about me…in which she was tiny. WHAT??? 🤯 AND she was imagining herself tiny in order to fall asleep. WHAT? 🤯🤯 WHAT. WHAT. There was at least one time when I called her “my tiny one” and she said instantly she got chills all over her entire body. She said things like “I’ll gladly stay this size, as long as I have you to take care of me.” I did NOT plan this or put her up to it.
Do I think these girls actually developed a true size kink or a legit “sexual” interest in this stuff? No, I think they were still normies at heart. I don’t think I truly “converted” them. I wasn’t even TRYING to “convert” them. But they didn’t need to have a full-blown size kink in order to enjoy all the emotions that came with the fantasy. The emotions were ripe for harvesting. Om nom nom…yummy emotions. Anyway, I think the average woman already has a SLIGHT size kink, judging by how much they love tall men.
(Semi-subconscious size kink, maybe? Size-kink-adjacent?)
For the record, I’m 5’10", which is pretty average height. So the fact that these girls enjoyed the sizey stuff did not have anything to do with me being especially tall.
@protect-tinies said in Looking for source of this GIF:
She was regularly having dreams about me…in which she was tiny. WHAT??? 🤯 AND she was imagining herself tiny in order to fall asleep. WHAT? 🤯🤯 WHAT. WHAT.
Holy fu…
I don’t even know what to say. Well, that’s it, you’re officially my hero, protector-of-tinies. You truly have a gift, I never got anything even remotely CLOSE to such a reaction, and I’m not sure if my mind could handle it lol.
@protect-tinies as someone who is also upfront with normies about this fetish, I dig your style
Can’t say that I’m subtle about it but I like to think that makes things more fun
@foreverlurk Hehe, it IS a skill that can be learned, but there’s also a fair amount of luck involved. The girl who was having tiny dreams was just one particular girl, and the chances of that exact scenario happening again are infinitesimal. Women are like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get. I don’t always get positive responses to the sizey stuff…I’ve had neutral responses too. But I’ve never had any negative responses, and the response is usually positive. Sometimes VERY positive.
@SmolChlo I’m not exactly “up front” with it, because I never tell anybody that it’s a kink for me, and I never talk about it with anyone except potential girlfriends. But then again, my interest in tiny women is both sexual and non-sexual, so it’s not STRICTLY a kink. The lines are kind of blurry. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be TRULY up front about it, with everyone! I don’t think I’m likely to ever go that route, but I salute you! Haha.
@protect-tinies As frustrating as the lack of M/f content can be, I am thankful for the fact that it seems to be more accepted by the general population than giantess stuff. Of course, neither of these are prevalent enough to get an accurate understanding of how people feel about it, but from my personal experience people seem much more okay with M/f than F/m.
I’ve told two guys about my interest in this, and while they did think it was unusual they also said they found it to be adorable. Maybe I’m just lucky with my sample size, but it seems to be a much more accepting reaction than the endless articles talking about “how weird giantess fetish is!”
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I like shrinking, which people might see as harmless since it is more intimate and less destructive than growth. Or maybe because I’m a woman, and I feel like women with strange kinks are seen as less creepy than men are. (Not that that’s fair, just seems to be the bias people have.) I do think you have a good point about it connecting to the more typical preferences people have- men are more likely prefer the dominant role and women the submissive one.
I do feel for giantess-fans though. There is a lot of pressure for men to fit this mold of masculinity, and trying to seek safety and comfort from a woman is typically frowned upon. Which connects to size kink obviously.
@blehb It’s likely because gender norms why GTS is more frowned on over SW but the other issue is GTS fans are much more rabid. They self sabotage themselves at times but also, their fanbase is bigger.
@giantmaneddie said in Looking for source of this GIF:
They self sabotage themselves at times but also, their fanbase is bigger.
This. I can get, on the face of it, wanting bigger women because big boobs/legs/etc, but the fandom around drove me off and I never really went back, but I can’t go anywhere size-y without seeing them because they’re everywhere.