Ooh, sorry, sweetie. I’m sure you’re funny, I really am, but you see the problem isn’t that I’m bored, but that I’m hungry.
…Hmm. I wonder. Do you have any friends? …Or enemies?
Ooh, sorry, sweetie. I’m sure you’re funny, I really am, but you see the problem isn’t that I’m bored, but that I’m hungry.
…Hmm. I wonder. Do you have any friends? …Or enemies?
Oh, I’ll be getting my sprinkles one way or another, I think.
Let’s put you to bed, young lady.
puts you on a flat cupcake
And here’s your blanket.
covers your body in frosting
adds some sprinkles as well
Goodnight, sleep tight. I’m totally not going to eat you as a midnight snack while your in dreamland.
I mean, that’s the Dread Pirate Roberts thing, isn’t it? ‘Good night, Wexley, sleep well, I’ll probably kill you in the morning’.
Not matter how seriously you act, if you say it every time and never go through, and never, like, eat anyone else to show that your willing to do it, after awhile it’d feel like a bluff, I’d think. Or, even an inside joke or something.
Me: I’m going to eat you!
drops woman on food
Her: Oh, no!
swoons dramatically
Me: Mwahahaha!
spoons her up with some food and puts her into my mouth
Her: You monster!
eats some of food while strategically smearing herself in it
It’s what frustrates me about that movie when I think about it; hell, it bugged me when I first watched it, though I didn’t understand why: they set up the narrative of ‘an ogre is a scary monster’ for the entire movie run off of, and then do nothing to make that make sense, even though they acted like it was a thing. If they had gone for a different take, and made it so ogres were misunderstood or something, it would have worked with the Shriek we got, but it seems to be saying ogres are scary monsters, but Shriek is a lazy bum so it doesn’t matter?
It’s sort of doing both at once and neither, so the point kind of gets lost beyond ‘Shriek isn’t bad’.
I mean, I’m in a similar boat: I don’t like guys, so I never try to focus on that end in pictures anyways, but when they’re ugly it feels like it takes away from the whole thing somehow, because I see the Ugly Giant Face and just kinda wince.
But I’ve been thinking about it, and the thing is it’s always a monster. Either an actual, literal monster, and probably stupid to boot, or if someone’s writing it the ugly guy is a creep. And it just hit me, when I thought about it for a second, that I’ve never seen a good ugly guy in an SW/GT story. Never. And it feels… limiting?
It’s why I ended up thinking about Shriek; the later ones lose their grip on this, but the first Shrek is about someone who is (supposed to be) scary. He’s an ogre, who usually measure more like nine feet tall and stomp groups of knights, rather than six-ish and with a big gut. Honestly, in making it such a comedy I feel like they turned a lot of it into tell-not-show on that end, but the whole dynamic of the movie was set up as a sort of, ‘find out the monster isn’t that bad’ love story thing, with a twist at the end, but they never really let Shrek even have the appearance of a monster, or anything that made him seem threatening, rather than just being gross, and so it always felt off when people said ‘ogre’, looked at this green guy, and had a freak out.
Done a bit more seriously, I think, has some real GT energy to it.
The one thing that uniquely belongs to the M/f side of the fetish. What are your thoughts on it? Not just, ‘this is an unattractive human being’, but like actual giant inhuman humanoids as well? Like it? Hate it? Neutral?
I have mixed feelings on it; I’m not opposed to it in theory, but I’m not a big fan of looking at pictures of it, but I’ve noticed it’s always negative; if it’s pictures, it’s a rapist giant or cyclops or whatever grabbing a helpless woman. If it’s in literature, the ugly giant is almost certainly an asshole who shrunk the cheerleader, and she’s righteously disgusted at the whole thing, and he’s probably going to lose at the end to boot. I’m kind of considering flipping the script on it; like Shrek, only the ogre is actually scary and there’s not a defacto GTS in it.
Like… 'Why yes, I am three times your height. My limbs are wider than your entire body, too; I can beat a bear to death with its own arms and everything. Doesn’t mean I rape every woman I see. Wouldn’t you rather cuddle on the couch with some tea?"
Also kinda want of look at sort of de facto-disability of being giant, rather than tiny, at the same time but that’s besides the point.
Yeah, I’ve never explored that end in depth, though I keep meaning to, but I’m aromantic, and I feel like I’m… growing into being sex repulsed, maybe?
Or maybe I never quite got to the point where I could overcome my typical American style raising on the subject (blood and guts is kid stuff, literally, but showing a breast is amoral, and showing anything sexual will flat out get you shunned!) by means of the normal teenage sex drive, which builds on my general asexuality, but size-y stuff lets me get around that to some extent as a loophole, and it was only later that I started applying some of my SW-based attractions to even a slight extent to normal women?
My situation is confusing.
In general, I search four terms in porn sites: shrink, shrunken woman, mini-girl… and giantess.
So much stuff is gate kept behind ‘this woman is big’ that, even if the story is about a woman shrinking, the branding behind it is that ‘this other woman is SOOO big!!! (proportionately)’ that there’s a bunch of SW stuff on e-hentai and the like I’d have missed if I never looked at the giantess category.
There are a bunch of de facto SW stories in the various GTS sites that will never never see the light of day in an SW focused forum. And, honestly? I’ve sped-read through so much GTS stuff, looking for SW gold, that I’ve realized they just have all these story options we don’t ever use that would work just as well flipped around. A lot of my current bent in my story planning is trying to apply ‘X’ GTS trope to a GT/sw format.
I have my theories about why its like this, but it’s just… tiring, looking for that needle in the haystack, every time. I’ve been force fed so much GTS content when I was starting out, looking for stuff, figuring out what I wanted, that I grew to hate it more because it’s popular than anything else, to the point where I usually give up on a story if it’s SW and SM… if only because the SW is usually a mini-giantess to said SM.
It’s easy to wonder if there’s something wrong with me being size-y but not liking GTS since, clearly, everyone else seems to.
I mean, I’m not gay, but I am very asexual.
And yet, I am an avid SW fetishist, and ‘write’ highly sexual stories, and consume highly sexual SW media in general.
I barely give any shits about normal sized women in general, (and anime and the like has jaded me to revealing outfits to the point where it all but takes a bikini to notice that skin is being displayed) but shrink them and suddenly everything changes.
Yeah, if you look at it as a tool for romance stories, the main pairing is usually pre-established, even if it doesn’t happen until the end, so there’s no real drama when X character is torn between character Y and Z, because the summery spells out it was always going to be Z. It especially doesn’t help if Z isn’t that good of a character for whatever reason, and Y, who is much more sympathetic, seems to be written in only to be used a tool to fuel Z’s relationship.
I mean, a GT, GT, sw triangle is effectively ruined by the fact that it isn’t a love triangle, it’s two guys fighting over a toy. Unless they’re very considerate, the woman’s opinion isn’t going to be relevent to who she ends up with.
On the other hand, a sw, sw/normal, GT triangle, no matter the focus, has potential, because then the person choosing isn’t automatically overwhelmed by their options (whether the small choosing between small and big, or the big choosing between smalls)… unless the GT takes the third option and goes OT3.
Admittedly, I am fond of that last dynamic, to the point where I’m working on a story around it, but still.
If I had to describe what I liked about CV, beyond the power dynamic of it in general, is how it’s just… against the natural order, and that dynamic is part of the reason I like SW in general.
It’s not eating, which is normal, natural, even if it’s happening to something that shouldn’t be eatable, but it’s something that is supposed to go in a woman, but instead the woman goes inside it.
Also, it feels ripe for a kind of ritualized worship kind of thing, which I find hot.
I think something that has always turned me on is dismissing something.
So, shrunken women are shrunken women, right? Even if you call them pets or what not, while you dismiss their rights and autonomy and all that, there’s a part of you that’s admitting that they’re still human beings, just smaller, just a person you’ve taken things away from and holding captive.
But there’s a step beyond that. When they shrink, for whatever reason, a switch flips inside you, and your view on them changes. And then? They aren’t human, not anymore. Maybe they’ve never been.
It could be a friend, a lover, someone you helped on the street who is desperately grateful for this one moment of kindness in the shithole their life has become, but the instant they shrunk, that person might have well have died for all that they matter to you. And the thing is, this is usually paired with particularly gorn-y scenarios, but it doesn’t have to be, and honestly, it’s… limiting, in a way. Not just in the use of the woman, but in the cruelty of it.
Even if you’re kind, even if you treat them as… a treasured pet, if you break their will, their conception of who and what they are, until the only thing they can even dream of in life is just to get their Master’s loving affirmation, then you’ve destroyed them, as a person, and left them only a pampered shell.
And that’s the generous option; there’s no need to be kind.
Give the bare minimum needed to live. Make her earn her food, and make sure what she gives is as demeaning as where she lives and what she is (and isn’t) wearing.
Be distant, kind, unfeeling towards her, and always firm on how it’s her fault (even, or especially, if its not) until she accepts that she’s just… that. A toy, a tool, an object. Something to be used, that doesn’t just live like this, but deserves it. She deserves to live on my floor, she deserves to be fed my crumbs, she deserves to live, naked and afraid, but almost pathetically desperate to please me, just to make the shame of her very life go away.
And then, after you use her, and she lays there, soaked with her sweat, gasping for breath, quite possibly in pain, she looks up at you and thanks you for it. Not because she enjoyed it, even though she did enjoy it. But because you chose her to use and abuse, to give that level of attention to, even, and quite possibly especially, if it was cruel rather than kind, and she is thankful for that fact from the bottom of her heart.
It’s a little video of Tinkerbell twerking. I’m not sure how I would get in on here? I tried doing it as an image, but that didn’t work out.