Honestly, rather than, like, flat out porn or something, I’d like something that’s just… a tiny SW among normies. Maybe there’s a colony with built up dwellings, or maybe she’s the only one, but something almost… exploration focused, really.
Getting from Point A to Point B, using a mix of running, tools she or friendly giants have set up, and parkor, learning to get there faster and more efficiently.
Like Death Stranding if it has Assassin’s Creed style parkor, maybe.
Oh, and a climbing a person mechanic, like in God of War or whatever, but instead of trying to kill the giant, she’s hitching a ride: maybe she has a hook of some kind to attach to laces, for example, so she running jumps onto a moving foot. Or she approaches someone while their sitting, and attaches something more stable to their pant leg or shoe before they start moving, though that requires getting to somewhere with a sitting giant in the first place…
There’s a real place for a sort of simulator like that, built around improving skills and experience, as long as they do it right.
Alternatively, there’s a giant walking around a (probably kind of destroyed city/civilization), and the MC basiclly uses them to help survive, even though they don’t know she exists, with much of the same mechanics, but done on ruined building instead of furniture and whatnot. Maybe after a certain point get to bribe them to… like, break a building in the way or some such, in exchange for… whatever it is they want?